Irina Karachevtseva at Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography’s Extraterrestrial Laboratory in Russia, Brad Jolliff of Washington University in St. Louis, Tim Parker of JPL, and others collaborated to verify the map-based methods for computing distances are comparable for Lunokhod-2 and Opportunity.
Category Archives: Allgemein
Virtual Planetary Explorer CAVE Demo 30.4.2013
Experience a digitally reconstructed Martian terrain in an interactive 3-wall panoramic projection system!
The Virtual Planetary Explorer (VPE) is a tool for scientific analysis in planetary science based on high resolution terrain reconstructions. It will be presented at the PICO session PS7.1 on April 30th 15:30-17:00 at EGU2014. The VPE is an interactive, real-time visualisation solution allowing smooth navigation through reconstructed planetary terrains and seamless zooming in a broad range of scales. The demo shows a high resolution data set from Mars in a three-wall CAVE system. A gamepad can be used to fly through a terrain that was reconstructed form Mars orbiter and rover imagery.
When: Wednesday, April 30th 2014 17:15-18:00
Donau-City-Strasse 1, 4th Floor
Example for multiresolution at Youtube
This scene shows an example for the visualization of a multi-resolution data set, as it could be generated from the data captured by different imaging instruments at different levels of detail within the scope of PRoViDE. The video shows the dataset at 5 levels of detail, starting in “solid render style” at the lowest resolution, zooming in to the highest level of detail and zooming out again in “points render style” (for a better visualization of the different levels). The merged data set was provided by JOANNEUM RESEARCH, the visualization was done by the VRVis viewer engine.
Example for multiresolution at Youtube
The research leading to the presented results has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 312377.
PRoViDE: Planetary Probes’ Mass Vision Data Processing
The FP7-SPACE project PRoViDE will assemble a major portion of the imaging data gathered so far from vehicles and probes on planetary surfaces into a unique database, bringing them into a common planetary geospatial context and providing access to a complete set of 3D vision products. Processing and GIS web access is complemented by a multiresolution visualisation engine that combines various levels of detail for a seamless and immersive realtime access to dynamically rendered 3D scene representations.
Mars US rover traverse co-registration using multi-resolution Orbital 3D imaging datasets
Co-registered 3D Digital terrain Models (DTMs) and orthorectified imaging (ORI) orbital datasets have been produced of all the major US Mars landing sites. These have been sourced from HiRise, HRSC and MOLA. Co-registration was achieved using manual tiepointing within ARCgis v10. These DTM and ORI products were sourced from publicly available datasets or from EU-FP7-PRoViSG partners or generated using internal UCL 3D-RPIF [1] resources. For rover traverses, this results in substantial transformations which implies that all the SPICE kernels will need to be recomputed.