PRoViDE Summer School Berlin 2015
Planetary Robotics Vision Data Exploitation
Berlin 21-23 September 2015
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The PRoViDE project is an EU FP7 project that processes imaging data from vehicles and probes on planetary surfaces, organises them into a database capturing their spatial context and providing access to a complete set of 3D vision products and their multi-resolution visualization. The goal of the ProViDE Summer School Berlin 2015 on Planetary Robotics Data Exploitation is to introduce undergraduate and graduate students working in planetary sciences, imaging and robotics to the application of new technologies in the analysis of vision-based datasets from Mars. Taught by experts in geoscience, informatics and robotics from the PRoViDE project, the Summer School will showcase the practical application of new tools and technologies in vision-based robotic planetary mission operations, focusing on Mars. Students will test and evaluate new 3D vision data products and toolkits, and use them to analyse planetary datasets. |
NASA Curiosity | The program of the summer school will include
NASA Phoenix![]() |
The Venue of the Summer School is at the Technische Universität Berlin, Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science, Planetary Geodesy, in the TUB main building and close to Zoologischer Garten. |
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Speakers and experts Michele Giordano – University of Nottingham (GIS & planetary data visualization) Sanjeev Gupta & Rob Barnes – Imperial College London (planetary geology) Ben Huber – Joanneum Research Graz (planetary data processing tools) Irina Karachevtseva – MIIGAIK Moscow (photogrammetry and GIS) Jürgen Oberst – TU Berlin (planetary robotic missions) Chris Traxler – VRVis Vienna (rendering & visualization) Gerhard Paar – Joanneum Research Graz (3D vision & robotics) Tomas Pajdla – Czech Technical University in Prague (3D vision & robotics) Ender Tasdelen – TU Berlin (planetary image data processing & evaluation) Konrad Willner – DLR Berlin (planetary image data processing & evaluation) |
Register by 30 July 2015 by sending registration form by email to T. Pajdla ( | |
Apply for a travel grant We invite students to apply for up to 500 EUR travel grant to participate at the Summer School. Please apply by sending (i) motivation letter explaining objectives of the participation, (ii) concise CV, (iii) justification of expenses to T. Pajdla ( by 15 August 2015. |
ProViDE Summer School Berlin 2015 contact:
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 312377 PRoViDE